Surgical Supplies

76 Products

Narrowed By: Ethicon

Ethicon Vicryl 9-0 TGI140-8 12"

Ethicon Vicryl 9-0 12"

Ethicon Vicryl 7-0 TG140-8 18"

Ethicon Vicryl 7-0 P-1 18"

Out of Stock

Ethicon Vicryl 6-0 18"

Out of Stock

Ethicon Vicryl 6-0 P-1 18"

Ethicon Vicryl 5-0 RB-1 27" 36/Bx

Out of Stock

Ethicon Vicryl 4-0 SH-1 27"

Ethicon Vicryl 3-0 FS-1 27"

Out of Stock

Ethicon Vicryl 3-0 CT-2 27"

Out of Stock

Ethicon Vicryl 2-0 CT-2 27"